
ACE Massage Cupping  2-Day Bodywork Course

CEUs: 16 NCBTMB-approved CEUs

This workshop reviews the history of vacuum therapies, applications and contraindications, and all of the foundation movements and techniques. A demonstration will illustrate the immediate treatment applications, as well as the invaluable information that the body reveals through the lens of the cup.  This presentation will explain the effects of VacuTherapies™ on the body and how these effects can result in dramatic changes in client conditions. As an adjunct therapy to chiropractic manipulations, medical protocols, and surgical recovery, ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy accelerates patient progress. The end result is happy clients and increased referrals from medical professionals!

One of the most amazing aspects of this technique is the “separation” that the vacuum produces in tissue layers. This enables water absorption and renewed blood flow to undernourished and dehydrated tissue as well as the elimination of old waste and congestion.

Along with the substantial health benefits of clearing old debris, the use of suction is invaluable in releasing soft tissue, scars and restricted fascia. Sports professionals are benefitting from the ease of recovery from injury or surgery and an increase in athletic performance, and major league sports teams are utilizing the therapy.

This class will leave you asking “Why didn’t someone show me this before?”

ACE Massage Cupping Level 1


ACE Massage Cupping Therapy™ is an incredible modality that can be added to any massage or healthcare practice. This 22 CEU course includes education in theory and application of ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy, along with demonstrations of techniques and treatments using manual vacuum tools. ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy greatly enhances the benefits of massage, decreases physical strain on the practitioner, and increases revenues through add-on services.

This ancient tool has been adapted for bodywork and is powerfully therapeutic for many conditions. ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is effective in addressing conditions such as inflammation, tissue congestion, movement restrictions, scar tissue, and chronic pain. Great results have been observed when using ACE Massage Cupping therapy for surgical preparation and recovery. It has also proven itself to be effective in athletic performance enhancement and medical weight loss programs, including bariatric surgery.

This versatile technique mimics massage movements ranging from deep tissue and myofascial release to the light pumping movements of lymphatic drainage. Used regularly, ACE Massage Cupping™ therapy is a terrific approach to promoting wellness for our clients.

This three-day workshop is fun and informative, with plenty of hands-on activity. Students will leave the class with a working knowledge on using the techniques in their practice.

MediCupping Level 1


MediCupping™ provides a wonderful bridge to the medical community, with special applications for surgical preparation and recovery, chiropractic and orthopedic work, conditions associated with Diabetes, Parkinson’s, Fibromylagia, and much more. The results are fast and comfortable for the client and practitioner, and noticeably impressive to medical professionals.

As an adjunct therapy for massage, physical therapy and chiropractic work, easy resolution of soft tissue issues enhances procedures and adjustments to accelerate client progress. Preoperative and postoperative conditions such as scarring and restriction quickly respond to this gentle, yet effective, therapy. Athletic performance and injury recovery is also accelerated without discomfort.

This MediCupping™ Level 1 workshop reviews the history of vacuum therapies, applications and contraindications, and all of the foundation movements. Client intake, assessment and charting are addressed, and the practitioner comes to view the client through the cup, learning to discern information that the body reveals as it is being treated. The second day of the workshop focuses on athletic performance, pathologies, and deep tissue issues, as well as the use of magnets to accelerate results. The final day is dedicated to the lymphatic system and “Solid Bloat”, including specialized work with obesity and client weight loss programs as well as diabetes and edema.

Students will work with and become skilled at using the MC-600 VacuTherapy machine and/or MM-600 VacuTherapy machine, and will experience intensive hands-on exposure to the techniques that are presented.

MediCupping™ produces immediate effects on many conditions, resulting in client enthusiasm and commitment to treatment protocols.


Kinesio Taping® Seminar Information

Kinesio Taping® Assessments: Fundamental Concepts and Techniques

With more than 40 years of development, research and application, Kinesio stands apart in the field of elastic therapeutic taping. The collaboration of Kinesio University, Kinesio Taping Association International  and Kinesio Holding Corporation provides an unrivaled combination of technical, research and educational service to practitioners, patients and users around the globe. 

The Kinesio Taping Method has two very important elements: the education and the tool, Kinesio Tex Tape. Knowing how to apply the tape is instrumental in an application’s success, and this is highlighted in the globally recognized education and certification program. Today Kinesio University approved seminars and workshops are offered in more than thirty countries around the world.  Join us as we continue to work together towards our vision: Taping With Wisdom.


MD’s, PT’s, OT’s, ATC’s, DC’s, MT’s, PTA’s, OTA’s and other medical professionals.


Kinesio University Seminars are accepted by many professional credentialing organizations and state professional regulatory boards. CE** credits vary by state. Please check with your state board/certifying agency to confirm course approval and conversion of contact hours to CE.

Course Title:  Kinesio Taping® Assessments: Fundamental Concepts and Techniques


This 2 day introductory course is designed to introduce participants to the science, assessment and application techniques of the Kinesio Taping Method. It includes lecture tutorials of the history, science and theory of stimulus transmission through skin and resulting therapeutic benefits. This live seminar with hands-on labs teaches attendees assessments and taping procedures for Epidermis, Dermis, Fascia, Space, Muscle, Mechanical, Tendon, Ligament and Circulatory/Lymphatic. Questions and discussions of the assessment flow charts that determine correct applications and general progression of treatment clinically are addressed. 


  • Full color Kinesio Taping® Workbook
  • Kinesio University messenger bag and pen
  • 1 roll of Kinesio Tex Classic Tape
  • 1 roll of Kinesio Tex Tape (Varied)
  • 60-day access to KTAI® Taping Application Database 

***Included items and Kinesio Tex Tape may vary depending on availability.


  • List unique qualities, best use for each type, contraindications, precautions and different physiological systems affected by Kinesio Tape.
  • Cut the different Kinesio Taping application tape shapes and learn when best to use them.
  • Demonstrate safely removing Kinesio Tape from skin.
  • Demonstrate appropriate tension range for each corrective technique.
  • Demonstrate appropriate use of Manual Direction Tests.
  • Proper application of Kinesio Epidermis, Dermis and Fascia Taping technique.
  • Proper application of corrective techniques: Fascia, Mechanical, Space, Functional, Lymphatic, Tendon, Ligament, and Muscle Correction.


  • Each Kinesio Taping seminar attendee must meet all of the following criteria:
  • Completed 80 course hours of anatomy and physiology and a working knowledge of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Able to do assessments by evaluating and or diagnosing injuries and conditions.
  • Have achieved or is a junior or senior student* of one or more of the following credentials: ARNP, ATC, CAT(C), CCSP, CDP, CHT, CLT, CMBT, CMT, CNMT, COMT, COTA, COTA/L, CPO, CPT, CPTA, CRN, CST, CT, DC, DO, DOM, DPT, Lac, LAT, LLCC, LMBT, LMP, LMT, LOT, LOTA, LPT, LPTA, MD, MDT, MLD, MOT, MOTR/L, MPT, MT, MTC, NCMT, NCTMB, NDT, NMD, NMT, NP, NRC, OCS, ODT, OMD, OPA, OT, OTA, OTC, OTR, OTR/L, PT, PT-C, PTA, PA, RMT, RN, RPT, RPTA, SLP, Paramedic, Kinesiologist.

*Transcripts must be provided. Certificate of Course Completion, Letter of Attendance, and **CEUs are provided after attendance of entire seminar and completion of seminar evaluation.

Introduction to Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage

8 Hours

  • This course focuses on clinician development and integrating course knowledge and therapeutic process.
  • Goal is to continue to help the clinician develop their own skills as it applies to Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage.
  • Instruction is focused on core stabilization and clinician awareness of its importance as it relates to the effectiveness of treatment.

Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage -  Lower Body 16 Hours

  • This course focuses on lower body conditions as pertaining to Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage
  • The goal of this course is to provide the clinician with an in depth knowledge and understanding of the most common lower body conditions that pertain to Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage.
  • Instruction will be focused on the following conditions:  low back pain, sciatica, Achilles tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, inversion ankle sprain, shin splints, anterior-lateral shin splints, anterior compartment syndrome, posterior medial shin splints and stress fractures.

Day One – Instruction

Day Two – Instruction and Hands-On

Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage – Upper Body 16 Hours

  • This course focuses on upper body conditions as pertaining to Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage
  • The goal of this course is to provide the clinician with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the most common upper body conditions that pertain to Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage.
  • Instruction will be focused on the following conditions: Rotator cuff tear pain supraspinatus tendonitis, bicipital tendonitis, thoracic outlet problem, and frozen shoulder syndrome

Day One – Instruction

Day Two – Instruction and Hands-On 

Assessment Skills 

**Pre-requisite:  Introduction to Orthopedic & Pain Management Massage or equivalent.  For a pre-requisite other than Orthopedic & Pain Management please speak to the instructor prior to signing up for the course.

***This 8 hour class is for the massage therapist who wants to develop assessment skills of upper and lower body conditions, acute and chronic in nature.

This class is an opportunity for the massage therapist to improve their assessment and treatment strategies for orthopedic conditions.  The massage therapist should come prepared with questions and concerns regarding their clients and the conditions they face.  The course is designed to help the clinician build assessment skills and strategies.  It is meant for clinicians to improve their therapeutic skill set and treatment strategy.  The instructor will focus on helping the clinician to apply knowledge that incorporates:

  • Physiological landmarks where muscles, ligaments and tendons attach.  (Including PSIS – Posterior Superior Illiacus Spine, ASIS – Anterior Superior Illiacus Spine, The Greater Tubercle).
  • Assessing muscle imbalance
  • The clinician combining all knowledge and skills sets they have learned to date to help treat the client
  • Quick assessment of a starting point for treatment

This class will provide advanced theoretical instruction in the field of Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage.  It will include instruction for both upper and lower body conditions.  Theoretical instruction will include advanced training in assessment and treatment of the following conditions (including but not limited to) low back pain/sciatica, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, frozen shoulder syndrome, supraspinatus tendonitis, rotator cuff tear pain and bicipital tendonitis.   The clinician should be able to utilize assessment and treatment strategies from session to session with their clients to promote therapeutic healing and treatment progress.

Who Should Attend? 

  • Practitioners with an interest in Orthopedic and Pain Management Massage
  • Practitioners who what to increase their knowledge of upper and lower body conditions
  • Practitioners who want advanced training in assessing and treating orthopedic conditions
  • Practitioners wanting to achieve optimum health for their clients